Jag är inte på topp.

Well, it seems that you've forgotten about me already,
and I don't know what to say.
Maybe you just don't need me,
and I'm going away soon anyway.
Well it would be nice with some appreciation,
and couldn't you just pretend like you care?
'cause you know that I'm going away soon,
and since you're not there for me, how can you expect me to be there?
We'll maybe I shouldn't read to much in to this,
but as I try to be honest, and fair.
I've come to know some other people,
and they show with all their hearts that they care.

Jag saknar Amanda och Johanna. För övrigt fryser jag, har knappt sovit på hela natten.
Och jag har en ordentlig huvudvärk.

Nej, nu måste jag klä på mig och åka in till stan och lämna in kameran.
Jag hoppas på det bästa, och går det inte att fixa så blir jag sur, mkt sur!


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