Over a year ago, but he's still my buddy!

Sitter och läser massa gamla mail, och jag skrattar lika mkt varje gång jag kommer över mail från Matt, haha,
cracks me up every time! Bjuder på några, hoppas ni tycker det är lika kul som jag gör!

June 9 at 3:08pm
 Bestest buddy- here we are again, why dont you just move over to NZ and save me all the hassles of typing? My fingers are sore!. I will be your boss, hey but I wont be easy, One false move and BOOM, your out. I was going to post it on your wall but I dont want people to think that Im a dork. I miss my buddy. I hope that all is well with you and Vegas is the shit, Go on the NY Roller Coaster, it rules.

Now maybe its the moon, but I wanna say that your very cool, and I think (because I know stuff) that your "good news", Im more "bad News, becasue Im a "bad boy". Never sell yourself short. I miss my buddy. I dont know how many times I can say that, let me know when your sick of reading it.

I think we'll be good buddies for a long time to come. At least until I get to Sweden, then you realise what a dork I am! Just Jokes I'll be a great a boss, do you think you can work the weekend?

I have to be at work in 6hrs- Matt W. xxoo.

Ps- jokes again, I dont have a job.

June 13 at 4:28am
Best buddy ever!
I know it sucks that we live on, literally, opposite sides of this earth. Don't mistrust though, I just might come over to NZ again when I've saved up enough money. You see, I found the country amazing and the people even more amazing!

Haha, you're not a dork. You're just a bit different, in a good way. But hey, so am I , and otherwise we wouldn't be as fun to be around. Right? At least that's what my mum told me. Vegas was great, we had alot of fun. Didn't go on any of the rollercoasters though, would've loved to go on the one on the hotel where we stayed, the stratosphere, but we just didn't have the time.

What would it be with the moon to make you say that?:P And for your information good sir, I think that you are very cool too, and even though you want people to think that you are "bad news" you are actally "good news", and I know that 'cause I know alot of things! An I miss my buddy too, alot! And I don't hink I'll ever get tired of hearing that, it's just nice of you too say! You're just too nice!

Actually, I think we'll be buddies forever. 'Cause when you come to sweden we'll realise that we're both dorks and that noone else want's to be our friend. And then we'll just have eachother, sort of like Timon and Pumba, I'll be Pumba and you'll be Timon.

Haha what's that about, you have a job? Otherwise I would be glad to hook you up at "the factory";) Whadda you say?

xxoo - "Pumba"  

June 23 at 1:26pm
 Ha, Pumba, so does that make you the Wart HOg? sO MY buddy I see the holiday has all come to an end... it must be cool to see all your euro buddies again, and your family.
At least you got home for the mid-summer party, I heard that it is real good. Julie has been saying that it like 30 degress over there! rules to be a euro right now, however gota say NZ is the best country in the world, yeah, we know it.
Anything cool happening that The Big Remo should know about? Just if you did wonder but yes it's now "The" Big Remo aka TBR. I thought I better "spice it up" a little, stop it going flat. Keep it fresh.
Nothing massive to report over here, just doing things, creating some angles, making some moves, you know TBR.
Nothing real cool has happened over here, its sorta a crappy time of year, its not summer, and theres no snow on the mountain, we in No Mans land!.However we have the Winter Party this weekend, like the opening of the snow sesson, its a big weekend, so that'll be fun. I may have a beer.
Next time I mail you I'm gonna have some big news, I dont know what it is, however it'll be cool.
Let me know whats kicking.

You know where I live- Matt W- BB4L

June 23 at 9:34pm
yes, so from now on you can choose to call me either Pumba or the Wart hog, whaddaya think about that? Cool ey? Oh and yeah, that mean that I can call you a meercat too, or whatever animal that Timon is.

Well yes, the holiday is now just a memory. But what a memory it is! yep it's actually okey to be at home again, and as you say it's been nice to see family and friends again! Well it might have been like 30 degrees a few weeks ago, not now though. Today we've just had loads and loads of rain, so that sucks! But hey, what to do?

hm, yeah alot of those NZ patriots have told me that NZ is actually the best country in the world. You'll have to fight the americans on that one, too bad they're slightly more populated over there. Good luck in the war though, break a leg!:P

Not much happening over here. As you know we celebrated midsummer this weekend and it was great, I had alot of fun and it was great seeing all of my friends again! I just might go to turkey this thursday and from there I'll go to croatia to sail with my mum and her guy. That'll be fun!

Hmm, yeah I can imagine TBR is getting a bit frustrated and trying to get the party started over there since nothings happening in no mans land. What's up with that buddy of yours? He doing okay too? That Big Rhino guy? opening of snow season party thing sounds fun though, can I come?

Yep, waiting for those big news of yours now! Bring 'em!

Keep workin' it over there, over and out- P to the UMBA


August 1 at 3:34pm
This is best NZ buddy aka best Kiwi buddy in the world and beyond, reporting in! Well hi hi, you look like your having a nice time, livin La Vida Loca? So you been boatin etc, Ive been freezing my ginger ass off!

Hey I hope that you are having a kick ass summer. I got to sleep now, but my big big new is...........I now days do some MSNing, you have to try it, its da rage. you may not have it in europe yet but look it up.

Become a kiwi buddies MSN friend now
[email protected]


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